Friday, 2 May 2014

Planning: Synopsis

Ben is a 17 year old boy who attends a college in London. Ben is lonely, he has no friends, he lives with his widowed grandmother after his grandfather was wrongly accused of murdering Ben’s parents when he was six years old. His Grandfather is now in a mental institute for blaming six year old Ben for the murders, something that haunts his Grandmother every night.

Ben grew up with one girl in mind. Rose O’Grady, a sweet, charming girl who has never meant any harm to anybody. A popular girl, straight A grades and captain of the netball team, Rose is one of the most popular girls at the college. Ben keeps to himself, doesn’t speak to anyone, and protects his school bag with his life. Ben is obsessive over Rose; he follows her around school and even watches her on her way home.

Rose is always telling her friends how she thinks Ben is following her. She claims to have seen him outside her house at night behind the bushes, looking through the changing room door when she is getting changed for netball and always staring at her in lessons. Her friends laugh it off, calling him a freak behind his back, but Ben overhears her saying that, and he doesn’t like it one bit.

To celebrate the end of term, Rose and her friends, Hayley, Micheal, Jack and Alex decide to camp out in the woods with drugs and alcohol. They decide to meet at 7PM in the woods, and Ben overhears this.

Later on at the woods, Michael starts a camp fire and puts some loud music on for the drunken teens to enjoy. As they take pictures, dance to the music and get more intoxicated, Jack becomes anxious and claims someone is watching them. Failing to bring down the mood, the fun carries on. Michael and Hayley are getting close, and Alex tells him to meet her in the old cricket shed in five minutes.

Five minutes pass, and an excited Michael goes to look for Hayley He hears rustling in the bushes, but passes is off as wind. As he arrives at the cricket shed, he is shell shocked to see Hayley on the floor, half undressed, with her neck slit open. Before Michael can run to the group to get help, someone appears in his gasmask from behind and covers his mouth with cloth. He ties him to the nearest tree, he slowly slits the word ‘BEWARE’ down Michaels arm before disappearing into the bushes.

Unaware of what has happened, Jack and Alex go searching for the pair. On their way around the woods, they spot someone again, hooded with a gas mask across his face and begins to run towards Alex. Jack, panicking, runs after the man before tripping over only to look up and see Michael tied to a tree, with blood all over him. Jack runs back to the group and tells them what has happened. Meanwhile, Alex, running away from the man trips up and is now helpless into the actions the man is about to take. Panicking, Jack, wants to get as far away from the woods as possible, but Rose notes that some of their friends could still be alive in the woods. Rose calls the police who are quickly on their way. Jack and Rose frantically search the woods for Alex whilst Jack waits at the gate for the police to come. Whilst waiting, Ben jumps out of a tree above him, and Jack wrestles him to the ground, assuming he is the killer.

Rose is in an open space in the woods, not sure which way to go. A rock is thrown from the bushes at her, and she starts to run in the opposite direction. Ben runs after them, shouting at the top of his voice. Rose trips up, and as Ben gets closer and closer to her, Rose assumes Ben is the killer and is trying her hardest to escape. As Jack lays unconscious on the ground after Ben gets passed him, Rose grabs a bottle from which she was drinking out of earlier that night. She smashed the bottle and threatens to cut Ben. Ben attempts to calm her down, resulting in a loud scream from Rose, who is now crying with fear. The killer appears and fights past Ben and begins to strangle Rose who tries stabbing him with the broken bottle. Ben grabs her hand, stopping her. As the police appear all around the pair, they shoot a bullet that hits the killer. After thanking Ben, Rose and the Police approach the dead body, and take of the mask. The identity is revealed as a mentally ill boy who was in their school. As the police and Rose turn their back from the body, they turn around to see both the killer, and Ben disappeared from their sights.

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