Friday, 2 May 2014

Research: Existing Conventions: Logo's and Typography

Research: Existing Conventions: Logos and Film Titles Typography

Before we created the film’s logo, I wanted to research titles of other successful horror films in order to find some inspiration. I wanted my audience to be able to look at the title of the film, and with along with viewing the colour scheme and the font, and automatically realise that this film comes under the horror, or more specifically the slasher genre.

I found within my research that similar colour schemes were used among the majority of films. Red black and white/grey are commonly seen within horror film titles, usually a combination of two. These dark colours represent the dark nature of the films, along with the red representing the blood of the victims and the danger that they face within the narrative.

We particularly liked this font that you can see in the two images above, used in A Nightmare On Elm Street and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This font is iconic to the horror genre due to the fact that this font is widely used on gravestones, which represent death. The use of the font can also be seen as an intertextual reference. The font is also sharp and has a cold nature about it, which represents the weapon used within our film. Lastly, when creating our own logo, we added blood to add an extra slasher like feel to the title.

One element we always wanted to include was an iconic symbol that people would be iconic to our film. Horror films such as Scream have an iconic symbol of the killer which people will automatically link to the film, without seeing the films title. We were inspired by the Scream masks iconic nature, and decided that the gas mask that our killer wears could be iconic to our film. By doing this, we are creating a brand identity.  

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